Hello stranger, and welcome to my personal blog!
My name is Matteo Lugli, and I am currently a Master’s student at university of Modena.
I study Artificial Intelligence Engineering
. Computer science is my biggest passion, that’s why here you will mainly find I.T related posts and articles,
together with some of my university notes.
My primary interests lie in algorithms, machine learning and deep learning. During my bachelor’s internship I worked on reinforcement learning applied to autonomous vehicles coordination at smart intersections. Together with my supervisors, I co-authored a scientific article that has now been published. If you’re interested, you can find the work at the following link: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/24/4/1288.
I also teach computer science in Liceo Statale “R. Corso”: the main focus of my course is problem solving, as I make students solve puzzles and compete in programming contests.
You’ll find more information about me down below. If you are interested, you can find my bachelor’s thesis at the following link: https://theelandor.github.io/prova/Tesi_Stampa.pdf
Enjoy! ( I mean life, in general ;) )

Age: 23
Birthday: 1/8/2001
Other interests: Productivity, Reading, Vintage Technology, Dungeons and Dragons, Boardgames.
Favourite books:
- Deep Work (Cal Newport);
- How to win friends and influence people (Dale Carnegie);
- The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest_Hemingway);
- Walden; or, Life in the Woods (Henry_David_Thoreau);
Favourite quote
[…] but man is not made for defeat.
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